To defend themselves and the public from a tyrannical government!! That is what the 2nd Amendment was all about. The English banned gun in MA...
IN the meantime .... putting all of Powell's kraken nonsense aside ..... JUST IN: Republican-Controlled Wisconsin Assembly Authorizes...
And maybe now you will realize the power of the Main Stream Media and the intentional damage via false claims they had on the Trump Presidency....
Tucker: Even the Chinese know America won't survive with 'woke' liberals in charge | Fox News
UAW Accuses Ford of Shifting New Vehicle Production From Ohio to Mexico - WSJ Biden is wasting no time in making America Last. I really love...
BREAKING: Judge Rules MI Sec. of State Benson Directed City Clerks to Ignore Signature Matching Law on Absentee Ballots in Nov. 2020 Election...
It was only believable if you were one of the people who gives any credit to the MSM as having even a femtogram of credibility. It was certainly...
Imagine if that woman would have been black!!
I don't think I ever received a second stimulus check .. and I doubt I'll get one of the DNC buy a vote checks either. POST EDIT: .. nope .. I...
Don't hold your breath. They will say it doesn't matter, he is a liar, narcissists, bad manager, butt pinching, ho banging, not fit for office...
Fuck that ... if I were Texas ... I'd load them all up on Buses and ship them ALL to NYC!! Better yet, ship them ALL to D.C. The plan is to pack...
Bet it doesn't make the front page anywhere!
That's all fine and good, but it depends on how you define "One bad leader". That one bad leader was NOT Trump. A bad person, maybe, but...
In Winston's defense ... he is a Republican, supporting the GOP establishment. JMO ... Winston viewed Trump as a disruption of GOP norms. That's...
Wonder if Twitter and Facebook will block, drop, and censor every person who supported Cuomo in the past? How many celebrities will lose their...
All I've ever seen about your position regarding Trump is that you don't like him. You think he is a liar (ref my post from Sheryl Attkison on...
Well ... "sport" .. you're definitely not one to be lecturing anyone about truth. You have denied the truth at just about every turn, and it's a...
Now we know why NC and Winston think what they think ... Slanted Journalism and the 2020 Election | Sharyl Attkisson - YouTube Story .. Video:...