I don't know what they will find. But I do know this. The Democrats are doing everything they can to stop it.
and in the meantime, the AZ audit continues. It has already been revealed that the Election Officials didn't even have the passwords to the...
I still say the perfect use of energy, Base Load Electricity - Nuclear. Coal. On demand Electricity - Natural Gas. Transportation - Natural Gas...
Yeah ... its funny. lets make an electric vehicle that runs on electricity generated by natural gas. It would seem just switching cars to LNG is...
It's 2 years. ALL materials by law must be retained for 2 years.
None of it matters ... at least to the last election. But the goal is to clean up the voting process and eliminate fraud. The goal is a complete...
According to the AZ chick Kelly something or the other ... she said the Democrats are trying to stall the process because the Senate's lease on...
In the meantime, the Democrats are shitting in their pants because the Judge threw their obstructionists lawsuit out the window regarding the AZ...
So ... apparently it's the "egg" that is the evil part!! LOL Makes that adam and eve story make sense! Ha
And ... you were taught to be good.
You mean fraud has consequences. FIFY
HOws that man kind id inherently good working out for MN? Injustice was just done in the name of social justice, and the place is a mess. BUT .....
I think the entire police force should resign in the entire state of MN. Fuck MN. Let the damn place burn.
Wow .. the old gas bag finally did something useful.
Not going to completely throw the Scientificamerica article under the bus ... but ... studies conducted in the soft sciences of psychology,...
Sociopathic behavior in children can be detected in ages as early as 3 years old. Treatment has absolutely no effect. The combination of...
Well Duck .. you seem to be arguing the depravity of "Religion"; involving the bastardization of prophecy and truth for political purposes. Think...
While I'd agree people have the spark of god in them, ... they also have the animal flesh in them. What do you think Christianity is all about??...
Stupid is as Stupid does.