Actually, I believe a convention of the States can replace the house ... 34 States could pass an amendment, and 38 have to ratify it. So .. screw...
And this is why I will NEVER vote for a Democrat. They are only loyal to their party platform and don't give a shit about the American People. I...
The "bureaucracy" you speak of is the EXACT SAME bunch that demonized Trump at every turn, and continue to cover for fraudulent activities in the...
Indeed. When I found it, I knew I had to post it on this thread to preserve it for it ever!!
I don't know Winston ... what part of Butt Hurt GOP insiders from AZ who were all John McCain fans don't you get?? That the WaPo did an article...
Well ... and there was the letter from the SENATE! ... I guess that doesn't count for anything. I mean, anyone can write a letter.
Well ... winston .. that shows how STUPID you are!! Did you not see the tweet in the article .. FROM AZ SENATE??...
So here is you some more .... "Non-existent" evidence ... how does the batch report on the box not match the number of ballots in the box?? It's...
Here in AR, names never appear on ballots cast in person, can't say for absentee, as I've never went that route. You show your ID, you are...
There has still not been ONE GOOD REASON by the Anti-Trumpers given for "opposing" audits. NONE ... NOTTA!! I don't give a shit if there has been...
Hmmmm ... or maybe it's because the people like you are deleting the evidence....