Yeah ... but since when has the Fed abided by the 10th?? They trample that thing and use it like toilet paper daily!!
0.5/100,000 cases. Yes ... it does. A simple antigen injection, like a dead, or chopped up virus does not, because there...
NO ... it is a vaccine. Listen to Shane's video from Dr. Malone. It's just a different technology to create the same effect. It's actually...
I totally support your decision. I wasn't going to get the shot, simply because there was no need for me to get the shot.(I am a hermit) BUT .....
Shane ... ol buddy ol pal .... I'm not quite sure that you fully understand what Dr. Malone was saying. But .. here's the dill pickle! 1) ADE...
Looks like that vaccine is slipping below the 90% protection rate ..... RUN FOR YOUR LIVES >>> WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!! I still wish the CDC...
I normally don't cheer when the US loses .... but I did when the women's soccer team lost.
Same for Arkysaw. Called a special session to discuss it today, as we are apparently all dying from Delta.
I'm just gonna say ..... if Conservatives REALLY wanted to end censorship, there is enough money in the Conservative Ranks to create their own...
I would agree with you if not for the fact that Fauci should know better. Fauci is a politician first, ID MD second. He KNEW that a vaccine does...
Who to trust! .... and then, is this writer for the AP unbiased and honest? Don't know. Though I will say, it would seem to me that we should...
Da-umm .... why do people post this shit. 1) We are seeing a spike in cases because people decided to go back to being stupid! Going to work,...
I'm putting this here to preserve it for future use!! [IMG]
Makers Mark .... JD is made to be disguised with coke.
According to your article, they are working fairly well. The article notes a correction that 60% of the hospitalizations are unvaccinated....
Well .... it's not really gene therapy. The way the vaccine works is that dendritic cells take up the mRNA particles and express the spike...
You know I'm not a vaccine nazi ... but why would you say this? This technology has been around for some time, but this is the first time it has...