Coverage calls are the problem. It was good to have mills back. We need to play more nickel
How do I post fricking pictures
No. Friends. Big pimping
I thought the secondary played well. The coverage failures is on the calls made on defense
Great game. Will post pictures later. Sorry I didn't make it to Reds tailgate. Had 4 women with me
17-13 Tigers
very scary, i have to read the entire thing for myself.
just ask VH3
because he was great and didnt give a shit about what other people thought, yes he was a dick, but he brought excitement to the SEC.
my favorite coach of all time.
I agree with you looking at it that way. I just wonder why Trump and Carson are up in the polls. Most of the GOP base think like the 40 congressmen?
If they allow Treon to throw a forward pass, i'll be surprised. anyhow, be glad we get Money Mills back.
Treon Harris having a great game.
that wont be the outcome.