chicken legs, had them split and a little bit of chicken stock.
thanks appreciate that.
dried shrimp, regular shrimp, trinity mix, garlic, etc a few other things, i cant tell you lol. it was great though. made the roux from scratch,
he could have won the nomination imo. but dealing with the death of his son i think is the true reason.
the field
me and the tiger bait
more pictures
more pics
they were up earlier i must have screwed somethingup.
no he throw a punch.
no way the call that after they guy pulls his facemask for 2 yards
lol, she aint cooking that, she is a UF grad from tally, but she might make a fried egg every now and then.
damn straight
they say you can look at a gumbo and tell if its going to be good.
oh and my gumbo made on Sunday for those who want to challenge my cooking [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
i wouldnt want the job of skinning that damn thing.
Hung out with alpha sig yesterday NupeNupe