Richardson was contained last game, especially in the second half. He won't be a major factor... MAX 85 yards rushing + 50 receiving.
You can bet that Saban will attempt adjustments - all coaches do. However, it won't matter. We're more determined (despite the "revenge"...
Excellent point! Bama will have a plan for stopping the option, but when they get tired the plan won't matter. You'll see LSU exploit the...
Don't think he started, but he did play - not near 100% though.
As long as we contain Richardson (we will), we win handedly. Since the original "Game of the Century" Our offense has gotten much better since...
I agree. No reason not to redshirt Kiel next year assuming no injuries. Miles will definitely want a change of pace guy, and Randall is the...
Unfortunate, but true. I had high hopes for both these guys. Supposedly Gore did not respond well to the coaches after being pulled for his...
Supposedly Lee already got a bit mouthy to Miles after he was pulled in the Bama game... and that combined with missing class is why he hasn't...
Yes but no definitive word on it.
The team is pretty banged up but nothing serious and plenty of time to heal.
If it plays out so that both LSU & Virginia Tech win out, then I think you're right. Nobody really wants see a rematch of LSU vs Bama (except Bama...
I have an opinion on what factors WON'T determine the outcome - contrary to popular opinions stated here (as usual, for me). The Trenches - Both...
I tried to find some stats on this but came up empty-handed... I see istlslsls is to the rescue though.
This is just a prelude to my full Bama-LSU breakdown, but I fully expect this to be a VERY close game. I present the keys to the game: Field...
My concern is that Bama's OL is built for size and power, while our DL is built for speed and strength. How will our DL respond? I think they will...
I left out the most important factor... MILES HAS 2 WEEKS TO PREPARE. /GAME OVER.
We'll take a few insignificant penalties for our defense's lights out play. Penalties won't make or break this game. Richardson is a great...
TOP 10 Reasons LSU will beat Bama 10. Game changing swagger. We gots it, they don't. 9. LSU has the #1 CB in CFB. 8. LSU has the best Defensive...
Even if they were all true, it doesn't mean Bama is better than LSU. Game is in T-Town. Nice homefield advantage for you guys, but LSU knows...
Frankly, TM7, Claiborne & Sam Montgomery are the only players on our team receiving any where close the attention/respect they deserve. I say...