You don't care that women will die unnecessarily and you don't want to take care of children after they're born. All your fake concern for an...
Mehdi Hassan completely annihilates a snake oil salesman named Vivke Ramaswamy. The part about Vivek's tax returns and his hypocritical...
What part of he's lying NOW threw you?
Trump says he would testify at his own trial ( Of course he's lying. When the time comes he's going to say you know I really, really...
From the evil spouse of the corrupt Clarence Thomas to the cowardly chief of staff of an orange piece of shit.... A Ginni Thomas text to Mark...
Oh, look... a mental midget thinks he's learned a new word so tries to impress us by using it... and then totally flubs it. It's comical,...
I underspoke. You're not only obsessed, you're titillated by it. Nobody with a lick of sense believes that Joe Biden is a pedophile but you...
You can neither think nor read. Unlike YOU accusing Joe Biden of pedophilia I didn't accuse YOU. I merely said that if one of the two of you is...
Here's what a TRUE collection of REAL scientists, the National Academy of Science, says about climate change: "Climate change is occurring, is...
Right in line with all the other laughable crap you post. Those are not 31,487 scientists, much less climate scientists, you gullible buffoon....
And how do we KNOW for certain that trump would have taken those measures to keep himself in power? Just listen to his words this week: "[it's...
Now you get it. Thanks for not being as dumbass as jmg. There would have been many problems, not the least of which would have been armed...
You've made that stupid irrelevant point multiple times now, and it doesn't get any more valid with repetition. It remains stupid and irrelevant.
I will, trust me.
Why not? We know they constructed gallows for him. You're just f'ing stupid, really, on top of your dishonesty. The plan is outlined in the...
I know exactly how the government works. If Mike Pence didn't perform his constitutional duty this democracy stood a significant chance of...
One Mike Pence away.
Dude, you don't even know what the word "consensus" means, or you wouldn't have used that way. I really feel dirty now, picking on a mental...
You're still perving on what you believe is child pornography? You are VERY creepy. Nobody with a lick of sense believes that Joe Biden is a...