All folks opposed to white supremacists are "piles of shit" in your world, I conclude.
You weren't born racist... your culture turned you that way. In your case, probably family indoctrination. Lack of brains didn't allow you to...
So, even trump stooge Judge Cannon yesterday admitted the stupidity of the notion that trump had declassified everything in his possession at...
Jenna Ellis admits to the court that she lied about the 2020 election:
You are VERY creepy.
Some far better minds than your own (Bertrand Russell, Christopher Hitchens, Stephen Hawking, Mark Twain, Isaac Asimov, Aristotle, Immanuel Kant,...
Once again, there's no evidence of "fine tuning". Actually, it's quite egocentric... "I consider myself special so this place was especially...
If trump truly wanted to lock Hillary up he should have hired her.
Your "intelligent design" has crippled children, animals crunching on other animals screaming in agony, Holocausts, murders, rapes, child...
The "fine tuning" argument is spurious. It's only a "good" argument in that it's capable of persuading lesser thinkers. Its problem is that it's...
There is no logical reason to conclude that nothingness was the default state of the universe. For example, picture a number line: ........
But that's not an appropriate analogy. The real analogy is that after billions of years of punching numbers and billions of combinations the...
They're not using the same connotation of "create" that you are. Words can have different meanings depending on the context. Their "created"...
Only if you put the cart before the horse. Drop a can of paint onto the floor, it splatters into a pattern. The odds of that exact pattern were...
Circular logic. "The eternal creator doesn't need a creator because he's eternal" is tautological. Your premise and your conclusion are both...
No. A-theism = without theism. How is that faith-based?
Don't you just love how your histrionic clown refers to a county judge as an "Arizona judge"? Sure, he's a judge, he lives in Arizona, but he's...
Gotta love how god-believers love to "explain" things in terms they can't even comprehend. "God operates outside of what we measure as time" is...
Abortions of fetuses that healthy and advanced in development are very rare, and to make a blanket ban on all abortions, abortions that would...
Killing fetuses (non-persons) is absolutely the moral thing to do to save the life of a woman (a person) if she so chooses. Why should a...