The largest point here is that people like you rancidly defend a person guilty of massive fraud, who has been found liable for rape, who has been...
It's quite comical how trumplodytes such as yourselves can't see the utter irony and hypocrisy of defending trump's honor within a thread devoted...
The lie is propagating a falsehood.... much like what most of you (plural) do on this board. Of course, propagating falsehoods is trump's...
So trump lied when he reposted the video that claimed he bought the Glock... gotcha.
McCarthy caved. In the process though he protected republicans in swing districts. Lunatics like Gaetz and MTG won't be happy but I suspect...
This past week in South Carolina trump bought a gun in violation of his release terms as a criminal defendant. Hunter Biden is under Federal...
Border agents and border protection furloughed while the government shuts down. Way to go, Republicans. It's either cave now or cave later....
Remember his own words: "The mob takes the Fifth". He took the Fifth over 400 times.
His entire business enterprises based on grifts and cheating. We knew this. On top of being found by another court as a rapist. On top of...
Really funny stuff yesterday: the Republicans' own witness in their clown show "impeachment inquiry" testified that he has seen nothing that...
For one million years the CO2 level in the atmosphere varied closely within 60 ppm around a mean of 240 ppm (i.e. from 180 to 300 ppm). Within...
The faucet is EVERY source of CO2, which got increased when humans started burning fossil fuels. Sheesh. You are astoundingly dumb.
Climate change drives CO2? Funny stuff from somebody who denies climate change altogether. So, what climate change are you talking about? And...
You really are astoundingly dumb. The drain in the bathtub is analogous to all the natural heat sinks ... the forest, the oceans, soil... that...
More of your pedophilia and sodomy obsessions... You are very, very creepy. Seek help.
Sure... African Americans typically vote 95% Democratic because they WANT to be slaves. You obviously think they're fucking stupid, and then...
So, using our bathtub model, let's say a water molecule stays in the bathtub for a day before it flushes out of the system and is replaced by new...
A simple analogy: Fill your bathtub with water, about half way up. Now open the drain... just slightly. Now turn on the faucet, again just...
Suffice it to say his mathematical argument is ridiculous. This part is pure bullshit: "So, because a human-caused CO2 inflow of 5% to 7%...
Look in any mirror.