Yes and No.
What part of "They're not lying if it's something they truly believe" didn't you understand? Seek help.
You really can't read, can you? I've already answered that question, and it does no good to answer it again because you'll only ask it again....
Funny that no one is denying the ass part.
An intellectual coward's way of acknowledging you can't really defend him. A white's supremacist desperate call to look the other way.
Yes, depending on timing, circumstances, economic necessities, global politics, and domestic political considerations. Of course not. As with my...
I've answered that question multiple times, and it does no good to answer it again because you'll only ask it again multiple times.
The next time you do it will be the very first time, but I'm happy for you that you can enjoy your delusions. OCD must be a terrible burden.
No, they didn't. A lie is a deliberate misstatement of fact; there is zero reason to believe the government lied about whether or not that was...
be an ass? And why? I mean... look at the Democratic presidents: Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden... by all accounts very...
Can you not see that you post the same garbage over and over again? Can you not see that it's not any more impressive the fiftieth time you've...
Only to somebody who's language deficient.
It's interesting, don't you think, that the jackass called for a citizenship test for voting when he previously declared that we won the American...
No, as I've made quite clear several times now. You're OCD. Seek help.
Yes, as I've made quite clear several times now. You're OCD. Seek help.
Scientific journal retracts article that claimed there's no climate crisis, pretty much calling the authors of that article scammers:...
The fact is that all 17 models accurately predicted global warming and higher CO2 concentrations, most of which were almost spot on, and all...