Did you see the hit? Go watch the video.
Pretty blatant how rigged college football is. Big money talks and we getting the shaft. I’m sure it doesn’t help that league office is in...
We win this game tonight and mannn that’s crazy!! Those Unis are beautiful. I’m all about tradition but I’m all for a change up one game a year.
Man I love it guys and gals!!! The purple helmet with all white. Too bad they don’t break out the purple pants with them!!!!
Anyone hear that LSU wearing alternative uniforms for the Miss. State game? Supposedly breaking out purple helmets.
Maybe Saban not telling us the whole truth.
So I’m hearing Tua under went knee surgery. Any one hear anything about this? If true what’s the prognosis?
Geaux Tigers
Ensminger has been great all season.
Defensive Line looking over rated.
This might be the win that Tennessee needs to turn their program around. We desperately need them to get better to help wear Bama down before they...
Florida looking a little flat.
Back when Vern Lundquist showed LSU some love.
SEC football fellas!!!
Florida just looks better.
Fuckin turnovers
What’s this about Johnathan Giles changing his number from 7 to 12?
Yea honestly after Drake Davis was kicked off the team I thought it would hurt our production a little and maybe it did IDK. Sad situation but I...
Yea from what I hear he’s still been battling with injury. I doubt we see much of him this year but I could be wrong.
I think McMath will fill in just fine. Plus we goin go get Jamal Pettigrew back next season he’s going to be great.