What it should say: "May you not be a complete moron. Post something educated, informative and/or entertaining and you too may receive some...
Oh God, myspace, what a complete waste of time and effort. I would rather read the complete guide to Feng Shui Part I and II.
But did you see the sister? Would you? I guarantee you I would!!
Who's that team ranked behind LSU?
I was one of the forum's most respected. Now I am just good. I need some forum Viagra!
Anyone else notice Adrian Peterson's kryptonite?? Car dealerships! That's funny!
Has a baboon snout.
I have pulled for other teams before i.e. pulled for Notre Dame vs. USC pulled for Texas vs. USC etc. etc. etc
KJunsausage is now invisible! [IMG]
What about C) can't even spell Alabama
This requires a picture. We expect one soon!!
Does your friend write sports columns? I remember something about a Lamarcus.:wink:
They tried to jack our 2003 NC, can't we try to get a little credit for 04??
I hope he sits his a** on the bench the whole season.:thumb:
Place in Zachary called the Asian Pearl. Mrs. Mimi who owns the place really hooks us up!! Wonderful Mandarin Chicken!
Parso, that's frickin hilarious. When I read that post my Michelob Ultra came out my nose. Apparently when you open a Chinese restaurant you go to...
Really, just pick a mascot, any mascot. Well I think we should have tigers and birds. JUST PICK ONE!
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060804/ap_on_re_as/china_dogs_killed In a seemingly unrelated story, the price of Kung Po chicken at the Great...
They seemed to explain it better than I was! Should I have cited that in APA format?