Brett, shouldn't that say ULL. You know those guys are going to get a bit fussy over this. After all, they are THE University of Louisiana, which...
Yo me ofendo a esa declaración Red55. Pienso que todos ciudadanos españoles tienen un derecho de saquear nuestro país no asunto qué. Así que allí.
What a great story. But one recommendation. You might want to send the ole man back to LSU for a refresher course. He spelled college wrong...
And all along I thought these were dixie cups: [IMG] It was also why I was fired from my last job. The corporate powers that be thought...
Yep, I keep waiting on that Hewlett Packard Classic appearance but it hasn't happened since I have been going.
The only spasm he had was on signing day apparently.
My call would be no pass interference. For it to be PI the fingers have to be clenched. This is clearly cupped. Cupping=good coverage. No I'm not...
Are you from California?
Count me in! Can I be VP? Can I, can I??
I found this in the article linked: UL vs. LSU September 2, 2006 Distance to Baton Rouge: 58 miles. Why you should go: It's LSU ... a small...
It's like a black hole. We know it exists, we just don't know why.
:lol: :lol: You must spread some reputation around before giving it to SabanFan again.
I just read this article again and found this line: "Dick periodically has seemed healed only for the back to flare up again" Dick is always...
I don't think it really matters because there seems to be TROJANS involved in their opener also!!
Do I need to get the apple poem out again? :hihi: I will side with the numerous positive private responses I have gotten regarding this issue. I...
I have never had a discussion about who had a crystal football in their trophy case. Get your facts straight. I am sure Kjun can concur on this...
The technical flaw with your statement is that I have actually looked at a few of these pages so as not to pass judgement without doing my due...
I'll give you a green for becoming a contributor:) Come on man una** the 25 bones. It's well worth it. Brett's kids need shoes too.
You are absolutely right. I have reconsidered and have opened my own myspace page. I will be sure to let all of my clients know where they can...
I actually learn stuff here. I perused the young fella aboves myspace so I could give you good examples of what I found: P.S. this isn't his...