I have been depressed, but never contemplated suicide. I've always thought that if the depression can't kill me why should I do its dirty work....
Stewart did absolutely nothing wrong.He wasn't even at fault for Ward spinning out. People who claim they heard him throttle up prior to hitting...
Should have played a real schedule for that to be a consideration.
This is a huge understatement. I think they would easily take the top two spots and make a strong run at third if there was a ranking. The sad...
Stop with the what if Cade Foster didn't suck excuses Gump. Alabama stood no chance in OT, that is why Saban begged for an extra second to be...
No doubt. What I'll be waiting for is, a savvy quarterback to put up an impromptu pass when he senses he is about to be hit low.
Fresno State
Might means there is doubt. LSU's 2011 team accomplished more.
I like the way you think. It's my prediction too.
I use a handheld GPS all day, everyday and have done so for quite a while. I have noticed some strange things in the past, but nothing that seems...
Because at best they finished third in the SEC. Because they used their Mulligan in 2003.
My method is 9 * 3.5 = 31.5
The feds need to stay out of a lot of things and education is one of those things.
By my count dude is 1-0 in this category.
It was a combination of the shape of his hat, his Les Paul, sort of recognized Dusty Hill, but in the end it was Frank Beard who is barely...
Billy Gibbons
Two and a half years after the fact?
I was wondering how to pronounce his name. Is it juice or goose?....Fuck it, Lickitysplit will do.
Seems to me you're a Gump in disguise, based on some of your recent posts. Stop trying to defend those bastards to us as a "neutral" observer.