Thank you for some logical analysis and reasoned thoughts of the situation. It's like a breath of fresh air on these boards.
Retired general defends Mark Milley’s calls to China on Fox News: 'Being sensationalized'...
None to my knowledge. Unless you count farting in close proximity.
Will you believe the Republican House Leader? And...
Mostly they blame Fauci. Apparently he is worse than a certain German leader from the 1940s.
Here is something we can agree on. Frankly, Trump doesn't really want anything to happen. If there were a trial then more dirty laundry would...
Direct quote. Now how would Russia find 30,000 emails without a hacking effort of the sitting Secretary of State? “I will tell you this, Russia:...
Trump is the master.
I'll agree to charge Milley if you agree to charge Trump. Normally I might agree with you. However, I think there are circumstances that need...
You and I both know that they would never publicly say such a thing for fear of being ostracized. That's why it gets reported through anonymous...
It's not like we are actually fighting a war and Milley gave China info to give them an advantage. He was trying to prevent a World War 3 scenario.
Practically half the freaking White House staff resigned at some point after the election because Trump became unhinged. These were his own...
Well if Milley is guilty then so is Trump. Remember his encouraging Russia to hack Hillary's computer? Yes, that's conspiring with an enemy. No...
Loose cannon = mentally unstable If Pence and the Cabinet had done their job and removed Trump, then I would agree on Article III, Section 3. But...
Trump was a loose cannon. The man is mentally unstable (even more than Biden) and should have been removed from office. Milley's oath is to the...
I'm sorry. I didn't realize that minority opinions were not allowed in Free Speech Alley.
Yes. This thread is about the Biden presidency and thus the fraud discussion is relevant. In the other thread we were stuck on legitimate new...
Is Fox News a trustworthy source?
Will you believe a Fox News correspondent?
Since "liberal sources" are not considered legitimate on this board, how about wikipedia? And don't get your panties twisted that it refers to a...