TuWho? wouldn't divulge that information for some reason? I told him I would need that info to pursue the return of the Speedo. He asked that the...
I read a story recently where an aged Nebraska Cornhusker fan had his lucky hat stolen from him when he attended the Nebraska vs. Penn State game...
My reply to Sir Biggles! My friend Tom is lucky I have not unleashed the hounds of the Alley on his posts. I have not even analyzed it for...
Your original issue of consultants had everything to do with law firms. Local bar associations (which do not only include "trial lawyers" who...
The candidates for Governor of Maryland are moderate Republican House Member Bob Erlich and far-left Lieutenant Governor Kathleen...
Do you even know what the "consultants" do? Obviously not. What they do is the equivalent of the work the traditional "law firms" would have done...
I see where Bobby Byrd spoke strongly against the idea of Democrats not being committed to national security in terms of the "fight" over the...
Auditing/Consulting is an issue of the "practice of law" Yes, the local bar associations were upset about the "Big" CPA firms treading on their...
Democrat Stragegists WANT to concentrate. On the economy and the charade created by the previous administration that .com was going to propel the...
And of course Dems are thrilled to have that debate in Congress! LOL The people want a full and thorough debate on this issue, I am sure...
Ironically It is quite possible that CHIPS star Erik Estrada was one of the judges nominated by Clinton to the DC Circuit that Leahy was upset...
Mr. Estrada is a Honduran-American ! And as my record shows, I take a backseat to no one when it comes to my long support for Honduran Americans....
What a wonderful opportunity the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Senate as a whole has been given by Bush to put Miguel Estrada on the DC...
TuWho? asked, nay begged for some real hard-hitting political analysis to get his new endeavor some semblance of legitimacy before it all could...