It appears the states of Virginia, Maryland and Alabama (curiously enough all 3 with Democratic executives--unsure of the AG's party affiliation?)...
I only keep up with Sen. Baucus every 6 years. He seems super conservative every sixth year. Am I missing something in the interval? I have to...
Let us all agree to set a few ground rules for any future posts concerning the sniper in the DC area. First, the gentleman and is stepson arrested...
Has McBride stated his position on fags adopting? I know his law firm gave "benefits" to fags latest weekend lover, but has McBride commented on...
The one with his since quit Republican challenger dressed like a fag doing hair was a classic political commercial. Especially the "tag" line...
Obviously doing his homework, the AARP, the leading lobbying group for the "Medicated Generation" has endorsed President Bush's moderate plan to...
You should know better than that! The cyber enigma gives no such personal information out to the general public and especially to one such as...
Why have you not been able to land America and Georgia's most underworked high school trivia teacher over to this forum? With the Georgia Senate...
The new NBA arena in Memphis, Tennessee will be named after Federal Express. The company is chipping in $90 million for naming rights. The...
LOL, Yes the Dems have put together a great budget plan! Too good to even vote for or against as a matter of fact. One of those budgets plans...
Not only are they wise. They FEEL issues. That is what makes them artists, and "us" as regular citizens all the more greatful for their...
Why would I mention New Hampshire? I didn't mention Tennessee, South and North Carolina or Texas for that matter where the candidate of the...
According to Clinton pollster John Zogby, Former Republican Rep. Jim Talent leads Jean "Cry for me Missouri" Carnahan by 7 points in the Missouri...
At first I could care less about Harry Belafonte's comments referring to Colin Powell as a slave. I thought Harry was speaking as a citizen, a...
What's the difference? What's worse? Getting videotaped and tattooed for this work of art or being taken to the polls to vote Democratic in a...
Tiger Saint: I'm Old School I've explained my affectionate and strict use of the word negro in outher forums, but will repeat since I know you...
I'll make ONE exception to the Contitutional mandate... ...that all fruits of the poisionous tree (J. Adams) be suppressed (J. Madison) and...
I do not divide my support! I am 100% Minnesota Twins fan, 100% of the time! Denny Green, Les Steckel, I mean Mike Tice, or whoever is coaching...
I heard a most scandalous rumor that I hope can be discounted by others. The rumor is that the Superdome will not allow negroes into their...
How I long for the good ol' days when "neutral" media outlets provided the viewing public with a true picture of protests and "movements" by hand...