nice news source. an article written by tyler durden. classy. but the article says the opposite of the posts here. the money was not for...
a candidate at this stage that doesn't a firm handle on the concerns of using nukes shouldn't be considered. seriously, people are supporting an...
read again--didn't say it changed the status. but if its unmarked it is unmarked. I assume the reason markings have been discussed is because it...
ok now go back to playing halo
no, that so many people here want bullets put in Clinton's head (or really the head's of any leaders of the opposite political party---Obama,...
the other way to read this is that he doesn't understand the reasons for not using nukes---slightly less concerning.
trump has a good idea. he plans on doubling Clinton's proposed infrastructure spending. yea trump.
around here, you shouldn't be able to get away with "Wa-la"
very disappointing.
that's against the constitution. you fascist.
don't forget that the scotus had to confirm aca. and Obama didn't want aca. it was a compromise. he wanted single payer. how has that gun...
whats the difference between selling out and compromising?
being classified is different from being marked classified. many had classified material, only three were marked. and I believe they were marked...
trump wants to use nukes (reading between the lines). "From CNBC this morning: "Several months ago, a foreign policy expert on the international...
I don't like it much. but who cares? this wasn't the founding fathers. this was some pathetic attempt to fight the non-existent red scare.
seems like trump has to win ohio, fla AND penn to have any chance.
cmon. you need to be at least a little bit honest. my post was the logical extension of trumps statement about McCain.
I think trump thinks khan isn't a hero because he died.
Loving this country is why I put my life on the line, why I won't vote for trump, why I share with others all the horrible info I read about...