31-14, us
It was reported during the game that it was a pulled quad.
There is one potential scenario where the bcs can accept three teams. That is possible if we lost to uga and still played bama for the bcsncg.
Exactly. After tonights shenanigans next Friday either puts us in the bcsncg or cap one. As messed up as it is, I think it's pretty likely....
Yeah, no.
I think crazier is that if we lost to ark, were out out the bcs ( I think ). Good thing that's not going to happen
Unreal. If only the east wasn't such an embarrassment.
I think skip bayless has to be on suicide watch right now.
What I meant by the losing is Oregon is going to hurt our bcs numbers a little bit, and if OU loses as well then Arky moves up to three. Seems...
So if that's true even a loss would not keep us out of the secccg? Even with Oregons loss and Stoops potentially bad call going for two here in a...
Both of these teams suck. Play just an ounce of defense!
I'm unclear on something. If we win out then there is no conversation. If we somehow got team wide food poisoning and lost to arky then the...
Looks like were close to owning the top three in the bcs. We better get it done next week.
He looked solid tonight in many areas, but let's not forget who we were playing. Fortunately Arkansas defense isn't much better than OM.
That's pretty insulting.
C'mon, that was pretty damn funny.
It's certainly possible to see #1, 2, and 3 in the BCS tomorrow come from the SEC West. That's crazy.
Well that was ugly.
No idea. Is it worth burning a medical redshirt? I'd burn it.