Doesn't change the fact that Bama is the #2 team in the country. Whether fans like it or not the system worked. No teams with a loss to unranked...
In recent memory I can only remember one incident where a drunk student got mildly out of hand, otherwise as we all know our fan base is extremely...
In retrospect we could have started the golden girls against Ole Miss.
In case anyone has missed this fiction. We all know virtually none of this has ever happened, yet every game it becomes internet folklore....
There are always a handful of jackasses in each fan base. I can't imagine that 99.9% of UGA fans would ever make such a comment. After reading...
This. Where have these kicks been all year? Wind was pretty minor once the game ( pretty windy pre-game ) started yesterday so that's not why...
I felt 99% that he would be a good fit at UF. At this point I think they should cut their losses. The only person less impressive than Muschamp...
I'd like to see Mingo returning kickoffs. Who in their right mind would want to tackle that fast moving freight train?
Cool, thanks.
Great, but not helpful! Got any close to the dome hotel rec's? Tiger friendly bars for Friday night / after the beat down?
Who is going? Hotel recomendations near the Georgia dome?
Never tried, but there is an app. The Ten Biggest & Best New Rivalries Hard to argue too much with number one even though the rivalry hate doesn't really exist, yet....
CBS has an app, but not sure that it streams live feedS or just does a gamecast like espn. Maybe look into
+1 You could hear both of these very clearly from 25 rows up. Landrys hit sounded like a car accident. Truly phenomenal.
This. We all remember how hateful we were when Pete Carroll self proclaimed a national championship in '03 with the AP backing him up....
Would be great if someone had a helmet mounted camera so those of us who never were good enough to play at this level could see what's it's like...
If you read it seems like they all have a bit of an inferiority complex. It will be nice to reinforce that for them. My biggest...
I'd have to believe we will see a pretty aggressive d, although we probably won't start that way. If we see the wvu defensive game plan I may...