So while the Biden administration is doing all it can to restrict oil production in the United States, he’s on his way to Saudi Arabia to beg the...
You have a strange understanding of “voluntary “ and problematic reading comprehension the article wasn’t about Harvard stupid it was Cal State U...
To be fair they also had 1. Latinx/Chicanx Affinity Grad Celebration 2. Native American Affinity Grad Celebration 3. Undocu Grad Celebration 4....
@Rex is this your goal? Is this what democrats stand for?
It appears some republicans understand that they can “replace “ democrats in African American voting if the try to attract them. As I’ve said for...
So you’re proud of being a racist Rex……your new name RacistRex.
That is one most racist comments you can make. Do you think blacks can only or must be led by democrats to be responsible for their beliefs and...
I like to keep you entertained
Sad thing is doing that hurts them more than anything. The curse of lowered expectations has been the “progressives” tool to keep African...
Only to fools who worship at the alter of their godling Trump
And Rexie 99.44% of suicides are done with a handgun. The lethality of semi automatics can be managed by limiting magazines and ammunition type....
Explanation for Biden’s statements
The saddest thing about you posting memes like that is you really believe Trump is like that.
Tigers are going to Hattiesburg to face Southern Miss, Army and Kennesaw State. Probably as favorable draw as we could hope for....
I couldn’t find the old thread but it should be noted the former LSU golfer Sam Burns just won his 3rd tournament of the year out dueling Scott...
Well no book should be the basis for your political philosophy. However it’s important to be well and widely read taking information from a broad...
Thanks all who have served and put their lives on the line to establish and protect our freedom for the last 250 years. It is your service and...
There are many peer reviewed studies that show the brain isn’t fully mature until around 25. It was a mistake to reduce the voting age to 18. The...
Those are fair questions and I’ll add one more. Why should 18 year olds be allowed to vote if they’re not mature enough to buy alcohol or guns?...