Could he be hoisted on his own petard?
So I’ve read the article and agree that a president has fairly unlimited power to declassify. I’m amazed but accept the proposition. so I have a...
Not by waving his hand over them and saying the magic words. There is a procedure and record of the actions. Had he actually declassified...
Trump’s lawyers lied about having classified documents.
You mean the the fantasy you and the others pas# as fact?
If you have the courage here is the search warrant and receipt of documents from the search....
Great planning eh? @shane0911 thats some 4th dimension chess 5here.
Another brick in the wall. The judge in the NY tax case denied Allen Weissellberg Trump’s tax fixer move to dismiss charges.
An excellent account of Trump’s attempt of the OJ defense. Far more plausible that anything coming out of Mar-a-lie-o...
I agree while we’ve had all stars here and there rarely have we had a unit with depth. Frankly from the recruiting last year and so far this year...
Fantasy land
Well they had been in contact with him for months; served a subpoena in February and removed some. When they learned Trump was lying (big...
Why doesn’t he share his copy? He can What will he/you say if his lawyers file to prevent it being made public?
So will Trump fight unsealing the warrant? Atty. Gen. Garland ‘personally approved’ Mar-a-Lago search, moves to unseal Trump records warrant...
No got you sport.
And another
Here you go
Anyone being investigated by the FBI is not qualified to be the President of the United States - Donald J Trump He said this on 8/3/16, 9/7/16,...