:lol: So easy to rile up. Say ramah, going to run away for several days if the Dawgs win? Kind of like the Auburn game? HHmmm? :thumb: :thumb:
Ramah, get off the crack. We beat USC, far from lucky. Your arguments are usually out in right field but that is a joke of an argument. BTW,...
Richt said the same ole, same ole....."will be a hard fought game" and so forth. That man needs to get off the ritalin
Georgia of course Ok, maybe not. Still expect a 9-2 year I expect Boise State or Fresno to go undefeated...one of the two
I would agree with that
Practice is about all I can say...score has gone up several points due to Kaplan courses....what really pisses me off is how the city of Athens is...
Work, LSat, and so forth....actually have to take the LSAT tomm morning Thought I would drop in, talk some smack
Georgia - 27 LSU - 10
Ah man, so limited without contributing :grin:
Greene - Will be All-Time SEC wins leader by the end of the year with a SEC Title, BCS Win, and 2-3 SEC East Titles as a starter Randall -...
Sums it up well. If Greene is protected, we win. If not, LSU wins. If JC can beat LSU, Greene sure can.
I am waiting for Vick to get hurt and the city of Atlanta abandon the team as they usually do.
LOL, someone gave me a positive rep point yet cursed me out.....doh! :lol:
Ah, I already am on several peoples list. :wink:
Greene has been flat out.....bad the first 3 games. Pollack has played fantastic as usual. Thomas Davis is playing lights out.
Lord knows, we can't get much worse at offense. Can't see it hurting us
We won. Thats all I care about.
South Carolina easy
I have a lawn? Hot damn..show me please