there is no explanation for it, it is what it is and it was his time. I had a friend ask me today if they make life jackets/ski vest for people...
I never said smartest GM......granted him and Jimmy both had egos bigger then Texas
Dallas has one of the most storied franchises in the NFL, and arguably in all of sports.....damn right they deserve this SB. add to it he is...
so what makes you guys choose Fry over Bender (Futurama talk here)? Bender is the scene stealer in the show without question. TV: Tony...
I was working out this morning and Comfortably Numb came on my Ipod.....coincidence? I think not - that was my Tony moment
see why people allege the NBA is fixed? Duncan came off the bench in the 2nd period yet no suspension for him...hmmmmmm
so, it is the Spurs/Suns winner versus the exciting........(vomit) usually has some good write ups on episode for Sopranos, LOST, Heroes, etc. they touched on the with Christopher dead Tony's losing...
so tonights opening was a definite "holy sh!t" moment......not sure I fully understand where the end took us though
last night was so good - you got to see old Christopher and it was a welcomed sight. AJ is going to do something stupid soon - not sure what...
we are you rehashing my misery? I was just starting to recover and now this. You forgot FC Dallas....we will always have the Sidekicks
i am so humiliated to be a Mavs fan right now. Dallas has had the worst sports Karma since the mid to late 90s it is sickening This is in Rick Goesslin's most recent mock...
i hate Mark Beuhrle
i like martin - you guys just don't understand him. stop hating!
you must be talking about Shrek, right? or maybe 48 Hours?
The bad blood had to do with the recruiting of Allison Hightower - apparently some things were said by Pokey during recruiting that Kim disagreed...
well, I do know a little about Baylor women hoops - and BU will pay what it costs to keep Kim in the fold as that is one of the few sports Baylor...
a lot of the calls Wade got were not driving to the basket, but on jump shots well outside of the paint - rewatch the finals. Here are some stats...
you obviously did not watch the finals last year if you think Dirk is the sole reason this team lost after going up 2-0. Terry played bad, Howard...