Offense better go petal to the metal, because our defense can’t even stop this crappy team
And just like that, the first quarter is done. I hate these new clock rules
Stats are nearly identical. The only difference is 3rd down conversion. Come on, defense! The offense has your back. Let’s Geauxxxxxxx!!!! [ATTACH]
Tied at halftime…. [ATTACH]
Keep feeding Diggs!!!
Matthew Perry from Friends. He was only 54[ATTACH]
Holy shit! Defense!!!! Finally!!!
Terrible start
Geaux Tigers! Beat the tigers!
This defense sucks. Our offense is actually doing very well this season
Best politician ever! I’m sure the entire nation is grateful that she infested the US senate like an STD for 31 years…
During a press conference, she let slip that the police had an imprint of the killer’s shoe. This imprint belonged to a rare type of Nike tennis...
US Senator from California Dianne Feinstein has died at the age of 90. As Mayor of San Francisco in the 1980's, she almost completely ruined the...
Ugly win. I’ll take it, but let’s work on that defense
Oh well…. Nick Saban is old and has No Quarterback
Same with playing Florida in November. Bizzaro world…
Gumps tied 3-3 at halftime with USF. Saban ain’t got no quarterback. Geaux Bulls!
Were. They aren’t on our 2024 schedule and most likely will not be one of our permanent opponents. We’ll play them every other year
I love kicking Mississippi States ass. Gonna miss playing these cupcakes every year when the new schedule format starts
JD, just run out of bounds or slide!