Quite possibly. What exactly has OU done? They got throttled by UCLA, lost to TCU and barely pulled it out against Tulsa. So TCU has a better...
I am defintiely not saying we are gonna take them lightly. All I am saying is this early in the season, the precedent has been set by UAB and Fla....
Actually Red, he parlayed his interest in LSU by having Arkansas agree to name him athletic director down the road. At least that is the story I...
So a 3-0 Michigan State team is ranked behind a 2-1 Notre Dame team who they just beat on their home turf. What a joke these polls are.
Hell he was almost coaching us. Remember he said he turned us down?
Tenn offense scores 17 vs UAB and 7 vs Florida. I say anything over 21 against us is a disappointment and 28 or more and it is time to worry....
I miss Trev. The new guy is painful to listen to. He provides little insight with no charisma.
"I spent two nights thinking about how things would've been different if we won that game," Keller said. "No offense to Pac-10 teams, but that was...
Stoli Vodka, very dirty, and on the rocks. This does eliminate the gay factor.
I think it is a must have for Tiger fans living outside of La. I now have access to every coaches show so I can listen on my own time. I forgot to...
Listening to the LSU radio show with guest Larry Porter (RB coach) and he says the fake punt was a surprise to Les.
Actually you guys are right. The whole race thing is why I typically stay away from news and current events. Life is too short to get pissed off...
It sure does matter to me. I am tired of civil right leaders trying to use race in every facet of life. And I am tired of people being too afraid...
I want him to harshly refute any idea that race had a single thing to do with his decision making. I know it, you know it (unless you are Rex) but...
I think the TCU/OU rankings are a prime example of why preseason polls should be done away with. People can assume OU is still a better team, but...
I will be watching in Sun Devil Stadium :yelwink2:
A question for the voters. How is a 0-1 OU team ranked and a 1-0 TCU team not when they played it out on OU's field? Not being an ass, I am...
Enough of the worst weather pissing contest :) BESD I pick up my friends from Sky Harbor and we are making a B Line straight to McDuffy's....