you misspelled "since Hitler invaded Poland"
do we know if that was even his wish?or was that just the media being lazy and assuming because he hired him at A&M that he wanted him here too?
i coincidentally was in process of typing that i live in West Texas when the pregame show announced the score. i’m not going to say i am without...
no i did not. i typically don’t watch High School football unless it’s my alma mater. i’m cooking and listening to LSU pregame online and heard...
i’m stuck living in the deserts of west Texas and am bored. another loss today. looking more and more like they will finish at exactly average...
I mean I get where you're going, but let's not act like he didn't have a history of drug abuse too.
agreed. was a play on the pics from back in day of the graffiti.
sorry to hurt your feelings. going from a ten year average of 4 wins per season to finishing with 4 wins in a season doesn’t impress me. Maybe...
in that post you called it a "massive improvement" now it's only "2 whole wins more than their average"
you gave them a 66% chance of winning 3 of their last 5 to get to 6 wins. so while you did not specifically type out a phrase stating that you...
you said 4 wins is same as their total from the last few years. which is just straight up wrong. you either knew that and lied to make his 4 wins...
because you cry like a little bitch and resort to mudslinging anytime anyone has had the gall to disagree with you in this thread. the buoy told...
is Clapton transitioning? [IMG]
only thing that has been announced has been the home/away opponents. no dates have been set.
you've tried multiple times in this thread to say their 4 wins is a many as their total for the last few years. that is false. by a lot. their 4...
they haven't been "good" by any stretch, but they haven't been remotely close to as bad as you keep attempting to project them to have been....
last year was the only year they've won fewer than 4 in a season since 2014.
nobody said anything about you switching.
not our fault you enjoy holding someone's bat and balls
you the one who needs to let it go. he’s been gone a long time now. and will never be back.