if being a dipshit was a sue-able offense, you’d have a dozen bankruptcies on your record.
they may have. or Leipold my be just like Mangino was. a quick blip on the radar and back to stacking up 3-win seasons. there is a reason they...
probably smells like strawberry shortcake too
just because you shave your goats before banging them doesn’t mean she’s fully shaved.
not anywhere remotely close to the same. So Carolina is still a decent program, and not very far removed from being in the upper tier of the...
did you watch Alabama in September? or against Auburn? if you hold one game against a guy, then not a single coach in history is worth a shit....
because the Matthew Broderick one wasn’t all that good.
you don't watch Godzilla movies?
I'm in West Texas. them winning a game in September makes them insufferable
he may have done math while watching. you'd have to ask him.
you can't put together context clues and figure out that he went watch a movie and liked it?
does social promotion count as graduating?
because most of the world has already graduated kindergarten
ok, but the committee is using a game with the 3rd string true freshman (who won't be playing going forward, by the way). with the way today's...
with slight tweaking, that method could have (and probably should have) been used instead of the committee. but that took the power away from...
i present provable facts. you present feels. i’m not the one with the bleeding twat here.
no it wasn’t. the discussion was about whether or not it was ever said. not about the accuracy or intelligence or even the specific source....
so you can predict that we won’t receive a key injury down the stretch?
congrats I give less than zero shits what some internet dude heard.
because I care about the HOW we got here. why? because we just set the precedent that will allow LSU to get fucked the exact same way (and...