And you're not predicting the future in acting as though Les Miles will continue on indefinitely with that winning percentage?
Only fools lack the foresight to see that a drastically slumped winning percentage will occur under Les Miles.
Obviously, I meant that Les will be fired at some point, rather than just leaving on his own accord. A forced resignation would still be...
Can you not understand sarcasm?
You couldn't be more wrong. I didn't come on here tonight advocating for a coaching change. I simply responded to posts directed at me that asked...
Others who are now saying the same about Les Miles realize that he will not be fired anytime soon. That's why they've said that they would...
Actually, you brought up the possibilities, or lack thereof, for a hypothetical replacement, not me.
So, do you label those who are now saying the same as trolls? How does being that far ahead on something make you a troll? Maybe you are the...
Who wouldn't you hire? Do you think you could possibly find a bigger idiot than Les Miles? Yeah, exactly.
There are always capable coaching candidates at the ready. It's a stupid argument. Believe me, the agency tasked with a hypothetical replacement...
The same old "who else is out there" response. How many times have we heard this now?
I couldn't agree more. I've held the same sentiment for years now, all while enduring the wrath of others on here.
Oh, how many times I've used the chimp would be better scenario. It's painful to see it finally reverberating.
Exactly. But you are right, look at all those on here who are just fine with being Saban's bitch.
Also, it seems like that's the only response that you ever have. Do you not have anything else?
I think it was others bitching. And I wouldn't call it bitching since the complaints are justified.
A tad bit of intelligence? That's quite the understatement.
I nearly died, funny in all the wrong ways.
Right on. I made it to the point of complete apathy before the last season started. It's a dreary path indeed.