She should have just made him the sandwich he told her to make him instead of telling him to go get his own food.
The video says Creole. But I couldn't begin to know the difference.
Great history that is passing out before our eyes. ...just like the Creole language in New Orleans. It's only alive because of Haitian...
Or unconscious. As soon as the prey is limp, the snake starts its swallowing. Either way, it's agonizing.
The constructors coil tightly around you and tighten up as you exhale...then eat you alive by slowly walking their mouth down your body head first.
It was a good idea at the time...
That's a slow process...horrible death.
Hey patient !!
Your new friends... [MEDIA]
Your friends just ain't from a place that has even a little bit of soul. They don't want to get down, they want to go home. [MEDIA]
I saw this last night...interesting. [MEDIA]
3rd floor of the old charity hospital was the psycho ward. The real house of blues on Decatur street is a great venue. I saw Bo Didley there...
(If you ain't from New Orleans, you won't get it)
Birthplace of the blues...Charity hospital House of blues...3rd floor, Charity hospital !!!
Lotta room back there in '54.
I'll never forget that plane crash story. I remember being aware of the story while the plane was still flying. I really think he would have been...
The thought or the...nevermind.
A few famous ones in this jam... [MEDIA] Phil Collins, Elton John among others.
Leslie West. Felix Papilardi.