Isn't that gross. That was definitely the strangest article that ever ran across my Google news feed !!
That is pretty shitty !!!
Strangest link I ran across in a long while. I end up washing my hands about 15 times a day.
Don't be such a hard ass...
Aliens are re arranging the stars to move from one galaxy to another !!...
Fish lives matter !!!...
Yep. He blew up the camps. He had no highlight film. These guys will probably bump up because they committed to LSU.
I like the way smack talk just rolls off my tongue !!!
I saw that highlight film. He looks good.
Canadian blues fest delayed because of bird nest near stage......
One of them is the last signer, the LB.
2 of the recruits we just got are 3 stars....if that really means something. I bet they get bumped up because they committed to LSU after camp...
Nope the Missippi River is the real Bourbon river.
In or near the Santa Rita grasslands.
Little known facts about. US geography...
Good recap of the latest surge......
3 star LB Kendall Mc Callum...
Sometimes outsiders give us better perspective than we, ourselves have. Great article......
It's seems that Orgeron is inspiring recruits to come here to play for LSU. How much is him or LSU "mystique" ? I don't know, but he seems to be...