Cuckoo for the kazoo !!
[MEDIA] Kiwi boyz
It ain't lost....you can do it.
Good one !!
Happy 4th [MEDIA]
Not my favorite either...
Sorry to hear about your mom.
And not dying first from other things...
LOL you got me good !!!
Dandy Don thinks it's Tua Tagliavua's little brother. (Spelling alert)
I usually make like and onions. By sauteeing julienned (sliced) onions in butter till they start to caramelize and then Saute the raw liver with...
God bless her.
Seriously... Add the bacon itself. Don't try to make a stock.
Wow...I never tried that. It's not like you can use bacon bones...lol I never have any leftover bacon !!
He successfully fought off all attempts to rescue him... https://deadspin.com/man-installing-beer-taps-at-braves-stadium-found-dead-i-1827183433/amp
Not me... My home page has news article links on it.