The most "hole in the wall place I go to is Roosevelts on Claiborne and St Philip. It's in the hood. Not a white person for a mile. Its in the...
I go to a lot of places of people I meet at restaurant depot that own places. There's a place on Magazine that I went to Charley G's near...
This is not a chain. It's been around for a long time. I don't think its named after the boxer.
It's not for everybody. They make a spongy bread from fermented buttermilk. You're supposed to use pieces of it to grab the food instead of a fork.
I'm sure the New Orleans tigerfan'ers will chime in on their go to places. There's so many. I just listed a few I go to.
Forgit to mention Deanie's in Bucktown. They just opened up on Magazine street but I heard management problems there. That may have changed. R+O's...
There's a bar called Beachcorner that has the best hamburger value in the city...a 10 oz handmade patty for $6.99. It's delicious. Also, I like to...
Ok....what's the punch line??
One of the greatest guitarists of all time. Hate to hear he's almost totally deaf.
I chew them a little. It makes for releasing more's like kissing the sea.
I snort them !! Just kidding but I did work with someone who could snort a small oyster up his nose and spit it out his mouth. I saw him do it !!!
It works...
Good thing she want born in Hondouras.
I thought row vs wade was the choice Washington was forced to make on the banks of the Delaware river.
That's the best pussy you'll ever eat.
I use baby seal lnstead of pork....more tender. But make sure the seal is properly bled...and discard the clubbed, bruised part of the carcass.
Most restaurants use bases to make gumbo. It is good And makes it consistent.
How long does it take a gallon ???
Kind of going out your way to trivialize human life on a burger thread if you don't want to hear about it.