Smoked meat...BBQ. lol
Mine is at She She's on Chef Highway before you get to the Ho stroll.
He has an interesting and humbling story.
This is my favorite BBQ cookbook by a true multi category world champion chef. I talked with him on the phone once. He has recipies for things...
I might be a heretic, but I use BBQ sauce almost every time I eat it. When I make the sauce, I simmer a lemon sized cheesecloth sachet of whole...
Whatchulike ??
Special paint that detects nerve gas was painted on the hoods of WWII jeeps....
I like sweet baby Ray's too.
That's a lot. I ate there a long time ago. I bet it's cheaper at Wal Mart.
Adrian Peterson may be a more appropriate short term sign.
Best BBQ sauce in America... Mc Clard's in Hot Springs Arkansas.
What's your favorite? Mine is whichever one I happen to be at.
Anyone eat at Big Mike's in Houma ?
Deep Toe...
Taco ruse worked perfectly.
No taco trucks for me now. Glad this isn't in the ask Steve thread !!
No...the fact that Shane is a cracker and in no way can he be a "soul" beneficiary !!!