Call me when he does something right. By the way, that was the Democrats' exact strategy vs. Bush.
Behind everybody but Ole Piss
That's the Dem point of view which is the problem.
How many games does Miles have to win before you quit worrying about stupid crap like that?
Or we could ignore the rest of the world, legalize drugs and live life like it's a big party.
I don't have a problem with increasing revenue. I have a big problem with what this admiistration would do with the increased revenue.
The Dems want to raise taxes so they can have more to spend. That's the crux of the debate. If they wanted to increase revenue so that the debt...
There's only one word for someone with that much emotional investment in a sports team: Loser.
Obama loves the occupiers. They're his people. They will vote for him. Hopefully the intelligent masses will set things straight next November....
Ignored by the lieral media perhaps, but not forgotten.
Okay Baraq. The wealthy need to pay their fair share. We know.
It sho is. I can't believe I didn't think of that. I was 14 when it happened.
It's simple and it would work. Too bad the politicians won't let it. Right now 70 Republicans and (of course) not one Democrat have signed on....
And you talk politics like a far left loon.
Didn't know you could get your feelings hurt, Bud. Good to know.:hihi:
Go get your Daddy. That's weak.
You are such a liberal. Our economy and our nation go down the tubes and you and Obama dace and fiddle around like the 3 little pigs.
Scoreboard, Bud. It's all that matters. Lucky, better, just as good...doesn't mean squat. We scored 9. They scored 6. Conclusion? We are #1...
JFK assasinated in Dallas.
Especially since Bama beat the #1...oh wait.