The team worked too hard to come back from 14 down to let Lee phuck it up with a pick 6.
Damn. Chief should have blitzed the crap out of them.
No offense but it's LSU that drained your team.
Gameday thread? I thought it was a meeting of the J Lee fan club? (*=Ramah)
They won't be bothering you anymore.
Stupid question: Is it possible to lose the NC game and come out on top in the final BCS poll?
It's OK to post during a game if you don't mind feeling like a fool the next day.
Ask Sharpton.
Words to live by.
Klan wizard no doubt.
Here piggie piggie
You're a punk. The fact that this is the subject you want to bring up now shows it.
Yeah. #4 defense in the natiuon, Aaron Murray, yada yada. Our 3rd string QB beat out Murray. They did squeak by Kentucky though.
I thought, after this game, the idiots would take a n ight off from the Den. Loco bat sh!t proved me wrong.
My wife, 2 sons and I were in my truck going to my sister's house. My wife (bless her heart) said we should all name one thing we are most...
Unfortunately, minorities often suffer so that whites can pat themselves on the back. Liberals routinely admit minorities to schools for which...
Fukin Hip Hop.
Because of Democrat policies. Fannie and Freddie were so overburdened that they pawned the mortgages off on Wall Street, who got greedy and...
Before Red jumps on this...and he will...the Iraq war cost $750 Billion dollars; less than the alleged stimulus. Bush was faced with events...