Wow, Bessemer is a real dump not that Birmingham is fantastic. Big difference in the two. Austin is a major upgrade.
I would say yes, too soon still to joke about Katrina too. There were a lot lot of people across the state that lost their lives in that storm,...
I love Gene Sizzlechest being exactly where he is. Last I heard there was little hope for the trees but does not mean they couldn't live....
I do not miss Hattiesburg, not even one tiny bit.
Why o why is this guy still allowed to post here...
This thread makes me want to vomit. As long as I have been reading here, this may rank up there as one of the dumbest I have seen.
Nice, Corso just said "phuck it". Guy cracks me up.
Getting all worked up because they are doing their jobs...
Personally out of the two teams, I would rather Oregon. We will play one extra game while Alabama sits at home. No thanks.
No reason to come here for football. UAB still plays at the old gray lady and she is in rough shape. There are more roll tiders that you can shake...
No need to apologize. Just thought you may have misread me. Either way it goes this weekend, I think we have a bright future. This year with both...
I did not say or imply that JJ needed to build confidence.
I would rather see Lee in the game building confidence. I want to see JL and JJ continue the momentum we have built this season. Mett will get his...
No way Saban leaves Alabama. I have never heard of him wanting to leave unless I hear it on this board. When he was at LSU, everybody knew he...
I am not worried much about either of these games. The waterboy will most likely play against Western Kentucky. Ole Miss has looked terrible every...
No way Nick leaves Bama.
I guess it is all who you know and where you travel in this town (not like any other) but I have not heard much about the game. Sure I read the...
You know, I have been reading here for years. Not much a fan of posting but holy crap did I just read that with all that Lesticles has done in his...
Seems like he did put enough points on the board. Let me go check the score from the game again, brb...
What I enjoyed was how many Bama fans talked after the game on the positives of both sides. I did not hear any bashing or talk of the TM7 penalty....