Our wideouts have dropped far more passes than they have caught this season, as well as struggling at running their routes, and/or getting open....
So in your opinion, running up and hurling yourself into the guys legs with your shoulder, hoping you knock him down, is sound tackling...
Underclassmen leaving isn’t anything new at LSU, or unique to O’s tenure. LSU has lost over 30 underclassmen since 2012.
Let me guess... you disagree?
And to think, LSU’s Coordinators and Assistants are the highest paid in the Country. It seems our WR’s can’t run routes, create separation, or...
I like the idea of having a number #7 handed down from one major playmaker to the next. It could inspire others to up their level of play, to...
I’m not so sure that giving up the #7 jersey was voluntary. Like #18 is reserved for the voted upon Team leader, #7 has become the number given to...
This is my weekend rotation to work, so I only saw bits and pieces of the game. Did see the 1st touchdown and the field goal tho. But what I saw...
As well ass big hair, parachute pants, jams, etc., etc.
I’ve looked on Ebay and Amazon. No luck so far.
If anyone knows whether these are sold anywhere, please let me know. Looking for this throwback helmet to add to my collection. Also, what kind...
#GeauxTiger #BeatFlorida [ATTACH]
Yes as other 70’s bands were. But they did big things in the 80’s as well.
No. I’d say that can go for all ‘50’s through ‘90’s music. But I would say it’s the most famous decade of music and identified by it’s long...
Oh and... #GeauxTigers #BeatFlorida #TigerBait L - S - U!!!
No reason to watch their drinks unless Bill Cosby is allowed to attend.
I saw that yesterday on twitter but didn’t see a reason why he isn’t going.
There's life insurance policies in your name you're not even aware of, SoonerBabe is making sure she's taken care of.
I don't see how it's humanly possibly to drink enough alcohol to die. Unless someone continues to funnel it down your throat, or hooks you up to a...