If people don't realize beer bonging hard liquor is dangerous, well...
Well if you can't give people a hard time without killing them...
In their defense, Dougs dad was an Air Force Major who snuck him into simulator and yoke time. He was trained. Besides he was versed as a pilot...
His va'jj is sore now. He be upset. :D
And... Iron Eagle as Chappy.
Blah blah blah Air Fairy.
I thought that was a compliment. Leave it to air fairies to take offense to it.
Apparently you are, at one point not all that long ago, you took your ball and went home.
He started it by saying this, so I figured he was free game to insult.
No sir. I joined the straight branch. Not the #AirFairies
I enlisted in the Army. You know... the branch where they actually have PT standards, and the guys don't get kicked out for sucking dick.
Why do you think the freshman Senator was such a "Savior" for the left. He was the first oreo gay President. And incase you're skeptical, this...
You've only got three things going for you. 1. Steve "Pre" Prefontaine 2. Nike 3. Cannabis
Was a lesbian?
Well Michelle's real name is Michael so...
In your mothers mind you were Bert Jones, to the kids picking teams you were the wa'wa'wa'waterboi.
When I was a kid my dream was to be a F-16 pilot. I had the movie Iron Eagle to thank for that.
Felipe Franks fo' sho ain't no Jordan Ta’amu, and I don't think the Gaytor WR corps is better than Ole Miss' either.
These women protesting obviously have no man in their lives. If they did, their men would be grabbing them by the hair, giving them a good smack,...