They are actually all owned by the same pimps. It doesn't matter who is at the top. They all favor bigger government and expansionary monetary...
What if Melisindra glamoured some peasant girl to look like Shireen, and the real Shireen was returned to the wall by Davos.
Yeah, and you have not offered any evidence to support a reason to not trust the numbers. Your paranoia is evidence of othing The whole premise...
You have contended the programs are expensive and don't produce economic activity and jobs. I have contended they are expensive, but do produce...
Gordon Russell is a damned good reporter, but he made some pretty catastrophic errors in every piece of that series. Every piece. And again, if...
Film, Live Performance and Sound Programs 2015 report...
No, I would say we need to cut out some of the 14 billion in various tax exemptions (business incentives is about 5% of that number) before we...
You realize Edith Bunker Blanco signed most of those incentive programs into law right? And Stelly was a terrible policy the state was taking in a...
Then address the root issue... the Constitution. Cuts to higher ed and helath care will always be heavy until we fix the Constitution. There is...
Concessions have been made, but that is only because the bills started off in such radical postures. Some like HB 629 have serious constitutional...
I have to say I am most proud of the LA legislature right now in this regard. They slammed the door on the lobbyists. Influential and powerful...
So in thirty years... we are all fucked.
So a company should not have business leaders unrelated to itself or its management on its board? Who do you want on boards then?
This isn't true anymore. Sarbanes Oxley requires much greater independence of boards than was typical 15 years ago. A CEO can't populate the...
Hmmm. I hadn't heard of this. Do I need to be throwing out the eggs my chickens lay or testing them some kind of way?
The top 1% earn 12.8% of all income and pay 29.1% of all federal taxes. What more is expected? How are we not already paying our fair share?...
yeah dragonstone is built on tp of a giant deposit of obsidian.
But how it is forged is still lost due to the Doom. Is it some form of magic, or dragon fire, or obsidian that fives Valerian Steel its hue and...
Maybe this has been addressed in the books and I don't remember it (probably a Sam chapter), but I am thinking Valerian steel is forged in dragon...