He isn't dead. Way to much foreshadowing that he is alive. From Michonne's speech to Heath to Glenn's sign off to Rick. He is alive under that...
You forgot the actual reason. Insurance companies have to insure millions of people who were formally too much of an actuarial risk to insure....
I really dislike Edwards policy wise. He supports freedom destroying crap like income equality and will burden the state forbgenerations with...
The problem is Medicaid does not work. Doctors are routinely not paid, paid incorrectly, or paid late. Users of the program have frequent...
We had to drop our HDHP,which we loved and was perfect for us. We got it as individuals. Because the premiums shot up so drastically we...
I got a ticket for doing 77 in a 75 (or something like that)in Elk Point South Dakota in 2006. Never paid it. Never will. When we drove through...
Anybody who refers to equity investment as casino gambling can't be taken seriously in economic or fiscal matters. That is Sanders. He is the...
We were at that campout. A large portion of the season ticket base comes from greater than 100 miles away, and likely had other stuff to do on a...
That is true. I do like a lot of his food. It just is not cajun food, and what his influence popularized as cajun cuisine in America is a great...
Cajun cooking also became synonymous with too much cayenne pepper because of him. His take on cajun was awful and inspired a generation of awful...
Mizzou House Frey. New to the big boy scene and wrecking shop, but nobody respects them.
I disagree. There have been some great films made in the last several years. I would put Dallas Buyers Club up against any best picture winner...
Lance Henriksen is another with 2 of 3, and you can make a case that the Alien Queen killed Bishop in Aliens.
You saying I'm a nerd? Also Bill Paxton. Game over man. Carl Weathers was a damned good guess, he may still get killed by a Terminator to...
Moot point. They still had to be archived by her commingling of personal and federal emails. She is in violation of the law. What matters is if...
Yet she maintained no privilege log and is in violation of the records retention laws which govern agency heads.
That is standard FBI protocol. They request shit, and don't say a word until they have a case.
That doesn't really matter. If she sent even 1 official email from this server then the entire server is subject to records retention and public...
Yeah. I bet the feds won't extend the deadline like they have every year since 2005.
He is polling ahead of everyone because Republican support is split between 3 candidates. Edwards has no chance in a runoff.