Great Zimbabwe made a huge dirt pile man. Come on.
Holy shit! One of the demands was that the President acknowledge his white privilege in a public venue. What kind of shit is that?
All of it. And for that we can do other things like eradicate diseases that kill millions every year.
Bel Edwards will raise taxes. He has never said he wouldn't.
Terribly. Very few people understand how awful the budget is to navigate. Our tax code is awful, our constitution is awful, and we have the...
You're right. I forget Stelly is what brought about the exemption for take home food. Ok so you want the legislature to only cut healthcare?...
Unless you phase out. Why would I want to send a bank $1,000 a month to not send the government my effective rate (around 18%) of my interest?...
It won't lower your score, but at some point you won't have a score. 100% of the Fico score is based on the debt you carry and the debt you have...
There is the difference. You have some basis to compute a credit score. As a strictly cash user I don't. I assume if I had to borrow money for...
Yes, and I see your argument. My counter would be when you factor in risk, and that my house is an appreciating asset the spread is diminished to...
I'll let you know how it turns out when I am retired at 45.
If you don't borrow money for a period of time you will not have a calculable credit score. It will just return null. All the formulas require...
I think there are better solutions than bringing back Stelly. Getting rid of the Federal Tax Exemption will raise similar revenue, and it is a...
Like I said, I don't even know if I have a credit score because I don't have any debt, and I don't have any credit cards or a mortgage or anything...
Politically Vitter and Jindal are very different. Jindal is a W Bush Republican and Vitter is a Bush Republican. From a policy standpoint I like...
Clear violation of the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act. I would love for someone to try this shit with me. The joke would be on them anyway....
What was the view count of that video before the State Department blamed Bengazi on it? Wasn't it in the teens?
It didn't improve for me. Tens of thousands of other self employed people are in the same boat. My insurance cost more and provides less today...
I am always pretty objective about this stuff. Most of Bel Edwars policies are just not tenable. The same is true of Vitter. I think Edwards...
Break a system that provided adequate care for 85% of the population to provide sub-standard care to 100%. Not a big win. Paul Ryan's voucher...