Interesting take. Would love to know where Kiper has him now.
Miles still had a lot of support from the right boosters. Aleeva wanted him gone. The intent of the leak was to rally some of the TAF boosters...
You say this. Mike Detilier and other NFL analysts say he is a 5 or 6. I think he is a damned good lb, but too much of a project to be a 2.
All the radio guys say the leak was from within the AD. I don't care for Derek Ponamsky on the radio, but he is well connected.
There was never a united front from TAF. Miles had a lot of support from the executive board.
If Beckwith goes it is a mistake. He was a 4 or 5 before the season, and his stock dropped. He can't cover.
I hear the TAF executive board was split and never made a strong push to fire Miles, though some individual boosters did. Not knowing what the...
A change is needed, but it is at the AD spot.
Definition of insanity. There is a reason I hardly ever post anymore. Dude liked to pontificate and can't handle being questioned. Provide...
For the record this thread is worthless without pictures.
This proves Boomers are hypocritical assholes. They don't mind government cracking down on free speech when it is government helping a union...
So how does Miles manage to keep a guy like Crowton, who can't find a job from revealing this big secret?
So you put more Stock on an anonymous source than what three OCs and the HC have said on the record? Seems legit.
If they don't have a home run guy already lined up they are foolish. Big programs like Texas, UF, Tennessee have all struggled in landing their...
It sucks that it will end this way. He deserves a better exit. Last time we ran off a coach for not being able to beat Bama the program sucked...
Hitler had an efficient killing machine and couldn't kill 12 million Jews. How the hell could we murder 1.5 billion people spread all throughout...
The Saudi government is funding ISIS? That is his point?
His first tweet was well after the information had been out for hours. He just flopped because the tide changed.
So he was against it after he was for it?
I'm really enjoying the Flash, Arrow, and Gotham. I also watch WWE Raw and Smackdown and The Walking Dead. 9 hours a week is a bit much.