Still watching, Daryl has become too unstopable. They need to tone him back.
Does sling have any type of DVR option?
The rapidly rising cancer survival rates indicate otherwise. I mean come on. I bet this guy sells literal snake oil.
You could close about 7 universities that we don't need and save a couple hundred million. why is Suno still open? We can also cut workforce...
Kennedy's proposals save no money. None. The reason nobodY listens to him is because his ideas are out of touch with reality, don't consider how...
His only fault is that he never practiced what he preached about debate etiquette. He told everyone their opinions, often ignored facts counter...
The 25 co-pay is one of key reason healthcare is so expensive. It encourages the bad behavior above. I go to the doctor for my physical, or if i...
I was right behind the bench. My son learned some new words. The team played as well as can be expected last night. What was most exciting was...
He is the single most important person to have ever lived, and it really can't be argued. I mean did none of the things generally associated with...
Constantine. Restored and reformed the Roman Empire and ensured its continuation for hundreds of years following his death.
Thats what everyone said when they hired Sumlin. ATM is still lil brother.
I was thinking 96.
When is the last time there was 1 good candidate?
I don't care for Rand Paul. Carly is the only one I would vote for.
If there isn't a libertarian on the Louisiana ballot I won't even vote. If Carly got the nomination I'd vote for her, but she won't.
Are you sure you understand what impeachment is and how succession works?
To be fair nearly all of the top stars are injured right now. Daniel Bryan is probably the best technical wrestler in a 25 years. He is out due...
I have always loved 80s pop culture and collectibles. I found a bag of 80s action figures at Goodwill in 2005 that I purchased for a little over...
Some Athletic boosters wanted him gone. Many did not.
I have heard many times that they don't exchange Christmas cards. The way Chavis's contract was handled was supposedly to spite Miles.