We have a sad and maddening tendency to do that.
Too long ago
They really do seem to love the boy. I, however, do not.
If I have to watch us whiff on sacking this ass clown one more time only for him to make a completion, I may turn this off.
It's always a good day when the Aggies lose.
As we ran around after Nix, I had a premonition of him throwing it up for grabs. I was hoping we'd have received it.
Yep, me, too. Wtf...
Hating Aggies is as natural as breathing.
I know! Now....a college junior and a high school junior.
So, in other words, the natural order of things.
My college junior thinks Nix is cute...but she also thinks he sucks as a QB.
Don't they always?
And Clemson goes down to an unranked foe. Not your Trevor Lawrence's Clemson.
True...but A & M needs to go back to the kids' table of the SEC. They don't belong with the big boys.
You know to stick with us. We wouldn't steer you wrong...and the hated Aggies have a loss. This week in Texas will be nice.
And fucking A & M just scored. God, I hate those assholes.
Well, now Jefferson is injured, and Arkansas just hot a bullshit call for punt catch interference...when the A & M player knocked his own punt...
Yep, no ranking for us...and probably not AU, either.
It's been far too much time away for Brennan, in my opinion. At this point, I would just prefer for Max to be the man and gain valuable...
Well, damn...I wasn't following it that closely. Shit.