My daughter's name is Emma (pretty sure you knew that). She could probably kick your ass. If that makes her a cunt, I'm pretty sure it makes you a...
Oh, he's too stubborn not to try to come back.
He can't hear you right now.
Glass houses. See you in a month. If I see another of your alters, I will ban your IP Address.
I really don't remember any of them, except one. Her name was Dara. She was the wife of the guy who taught me how to DJ. He was more interested in...
Mark was my boss. Crazy that they are still at it. It was a cool gig. They had their own satellite antennas. At that point in time, I could read a...
I had the Moderna. No side effects at all for shot 1. For shot 2 (one month between shots), I had a sore arm for a couple of days.
I was the DJ at Plumb Crazy. Good times. We went from Cowboys, to Plumb Crazy, and back to Cowboys. The format for Cowboys the second time was...
We called it "The Country Place". As an 18 year old 145# kid, it was a little intimidating!
What was the name of the place way down Nicholson Dr going south that stayed open after 2? Amazing I never got a dwi. This was 79-84.
I remember the first time I ever shot one. At the time, I had a Winchester pump that kicked like a mule. That Browning was the smoothest shotgun I...
Lol. I've looked at enough of em to know what they are worth. I'm sure your boy will treasure it same as you.
It's a sweet gun. I know you don't want to sell it, but if you ever do, hit me up.
Dude, 19 pounds is a big bird. Also, I want that gun! That is the gun I have always wanted and never could get.
You have me by a few years. 79-84.
When were you at LSU?
That video is f'ing disturbing.
CO, your true colors are showing.
Hopefully, you know my "like" is strictly for the babe.
I got along with @red55 just fine. I enjoyed watching him destroy people in debates. Most thought he was a liberal because he always argued that...