Sure wish I could watch. It's sprinkling at my house so the satellite took a dump. Right at 8pm.
I skipped a few pages of the game thread, so don't know if this has been mentioned. I noticed early on tonight that the kicking team is gunning...
21-16 Bama. Fla looking like they think they can win.
Big time. The PI that wasn't that lead to a TD. Then when they commit PI, the official that is right there doesn't call it. Flag had to come from...
I like O for the local boy makes good story. However, everything that @Brian and @LSU_4_LIFE said is absolutely true.
Keep us posted bro.
Research his posts and you will find your answer.
Damn dude. You better by another freezer with deer season right around the corner.
We are good. Neighbor has a tree through his roof. Same for neighbor on next street...tree through garage. I had a limb fall. Feeling pretty...
Incorrect. My sister is VP of St Tammany Hospital in Covington. Zero ICU capacity available at this time. They have them stacked in the halls....
I've been done with the NFL for a couple of years now. Haven't watched a single game. For the reasons Duck listed, I too think that college is...
are ya'll vaccinated?
Oh, I could have laughed, but the bet didn't allow it.
Send me my $100 too.
Gonna be a bunch of prima donas at the high end of the team, and jealous guys at the other end. Yep, college football is done.
I'm here, and as Duck said, very busy. Covid has f'd up my life. I am down 4 guys with the same workload. I leave my house at 6:30am and get home...
I'm just getting in from work. Is it over? What's going on?