He is really good. He is also a gifted teacher. You would be amazed how quickly his students advance. Skill level doesn't matter, he just wants to...
Mine was little like that. She was the "flyer". I was videoing their halftime routine once when daughter number 2 tapped me on the shoulder to...
Along the line of covers done a different way, here is my brother's take on Angel by Jimi Hendrix. [MEDIA] This thread has been around a while....
Blows my mind, the stuff you remember. That's over 30 years ago!
I love covers like this. Taking a song in a different direction or with a different style is very often, way cool.
My wife says she is not short. She is just "under-tall". :):D:p
Good to see you Izzy
Guys, I have most apps and am.8n the woods. Give me a live stream source!
Make sure and say high to Lori from all her fans down here.
Damn. Sad to see that we went from best ever to mediocre that quickly
I just tuned in to see Daniels throw 3 bad passes in a row. Has he been like this the whole game?
You didn't answer the question.
So is this your garage?
Sup C?
Trump would still be in office if he weren't a NY prick who can't be satisfied with winning. He loves rubbing your nose in it over and over. If...
Not that I know of.
I am over 60 years old and work out in the heat every single day. That way, I can afford nice things like air conditioning. Just have to force...