I see, is that how unsubstantiated claims work. Glad younfigured it out. You used to call them philosophical theories. You are welcome.
Maybe. Who knows. So weird.
I don't understand the story at all. People is crazy.
He seems like kind of a prick
Can't know the future boss. Not sure you understand how time works. You can't prove anything about the future. Not until it happens, bub. Theories...
how can you say i am lying if you cannot prove me wrong? why are saying its a lie if you cant prove it? i am theorizing about things we cannot know.
I don't even know when mardi gras is anymore. I want to eat a king cake right now though, love those things.
would you characterize my "red might abuse children in the future" as a "philosophical theory", or not? is every sentence that a human can mutter...
well i certainly agree that gay college kids and strippers and deepak chopra like contemplating and abstract nonsense. adults tend to realize this...
i think this is the part where i ask for techniques for uncovering reality besides observation and rational inquiry, and you say intuition or some...
no, there is really no such thing as a theory that is not scientific. what you call philosophy is just practical applied neuroscience. all based...
not an argument i was making a point hat unsupported theories have no value. they are what a logical person would call "nonsense". read a book...
the US is the only really backward first world country, we are religious morons like afganistan. england and the netherlands and estonia and other...
everybody shut up and worship the FNCM
if you say so. i say a tie game is religious levels stay constant, and winning for my side is they go down, and losing is they go up.
well by all means make one up and claim it is valid. maybe the universe was created by a fat nigger in a cookie monster costume
i didnt say they won, i said they are winning, meaning the numbers are going down. people are less religious than they were. try to think about...
dont you think it is a legit theory that god hates fags? cant prove he doesnt.
this fallacy is called "argument from incredulity" your inability to comprehend things is not relevant to anything.
people are far less religious, especially in developed countries not named the US, than they used to be. church attendance is falling all over...